It looks like the Digital Age advent hasn’t changed the main concern of those who enjoy the capitalist system rules. Markets lead the game and you cannot take part on it if you don’t meet the requirements. Which requirements? Well, you must have been born in the right environment.
It wouldn’t be fair not to take into account all the chances that new technologies development involves. It is awesome how the new flow of communication is being able to transform the whole world. But now I would like to address the subject of global real time connection and its advantages for countries where citizens have easily included it in their life.
As I have already pointed out, people who have always lived in an authoritarian regime, are now asking for that concept of freedom that reached them through the web. If it hadn´t been for the Internet, cyber activism would have never played his essential role.
Despite valuable facts like this, monetary rules are still too much important. The Web feels its presence as much as the other global inequality issues do.
In order to talk about the virtual differences, it has appeared another new term: the Digital Divide. Its formal definition goes: “gap or imbalance in people’s access to digital information and technology, including physical access, economic resources and skills”.
The Digital Divide is an abstract concept; we shouldn’t imagine it as a clear line which divides society into two groups.
We cannot only think about countries and their degree of development either. Its factors go beyond geographical location and include other kinds of minorities within the rich societies.
Studying these factors might be the first step. Planning initiatives and non governmnent organizations are great options to bridge the “technology gap”. But I am not sure that shelfisness was helpful to solve all the kinds of divides.
It looks as if power leaders are not able to change their impassive minds yet. So, either their income can´t afford tech and evidence data don’t reach them or they don’t mind about anything which is not their (profitable) business.